Sunday, April 22, 2007

For the first time

For the in my life I am writing a blog.
There are so many things on my mind that I am thinking about all day long, that I want to share with other, like-minded people. Being different and being a young mama isn't always easy in a town where SUV-driving-married-to-consultants-hip-and-trendy mamas are the norm.

Raising my children as healthy and natural as possible, with some Waldorf elements strewn in is my way.
Trying new, vegetarian and omnivore recipes is on my agenda.
Becoming more calm with my children is my personal goal.
Owning a little crunchy coffeeshop in our town, where I feature local artists, sell uncommon books, cloth diapers&supplies, organic baby&children's clothing, organize readings and events and host LLL nursing meetings is my plan for the future.

I am a 24 year old mama of two (Leonie 3.25 yrs old and Julian, 6.5 months old) , venturing out into the world of blogging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, hello, Valerie! Welcome to the world of blogging! I must say that I was very inspired by your first post! We have so much in common already! I love your photo, too, you look like such a beautiful mama.

I love your children's names, too!

I hope to get to know you better!