Tuesday, April 24, 2007

So many words...

When looking for a picture that describes the term 'words' on Google I stumbled across the one above and that truly describes my feelings at the moment.

There are so (too) many things on my mind at the moment, so many different topics that I want to share and discuss with you. And yet deciding which one is not easy - there are several topics that I started writing and then just saved for a later date.

Once again I had to realize today that even though I am rather mainstream considering the bulk of members of MDC I am really more on the crunchy side in my little town (well, Julian is part-time carried in an Ergo, still breastfed at almost 7months, sleeping in the family bed, we eat as much organic as possible, no TV (quel horreur!), no plastic toys, cloth-diapering the babe, one car only, a small apartment -750sqf- for the four of us, unusual forms of parenting, delayed vaxing, natural health remedies...) and this is not always the best.
Leonie showed symptomes of scarlet fever on friday. Our ped advised me to try curing it without antibiotics at first and deciding on monday if they are *really* needed at all. He gave Leonie a single dose of an homeopathic remedy and she was symptom-free on friday evening and back to her usual self on saturday evening. On monday we got the ped's ok for going back to kindergarten - where she went bac k to today, on wednesday, much to the dismay of most of the parents. There was talking behind my back, from people I had considered being some sort if *friends* which hurts me most. They think that I am irresponsible and risking to infect all the other children while I heard the total opposit from someone who I consider being one of the most informed doctors out there. I know, I should just shrug it off but I can't. It hurts when people judge me. Nono, my husband, tells me that I should get a thicker skin.

What do you think? I am too easily hurt by others? Was I really irresponsible?


Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog on MDC. As a delayed vaxer myself, I am trying to mentally prepare myself for comments when C starts school. (Although, I won't tell anyone unless absolutely necessary.) I've already gotten all kinds of judgement for continung to breastfeed my 15-month-old. Before motherhood, I was terribly thin-skinned. Consider it a growth process, I guess.

I hope your little one feels better soon. And take comfort in the fact that her immune system will be that much stronger-- without the risks that vaccines pose!

Anonymous said...

I just happened to come across your blog, and I love it!